Basecamp Essentials

Develop the skills and knowledge to thrive in the wilderness for extended periods, including advanced bushcraft techniques and sustainable living practices.


Develop Skills that Build Confidence


Discover Insights that Weigh Nothing


Deepen Relationships with the Self and Nature


Bond with Like Minded Individuals

Learn the Art of Wilderness Living

Basecamp Essentials is a course that is designed to promote a sense of wilderness living with others and beyond our basic needs of survival. Students will learn how to build varying means of comfort entirely off the landscape including benches, chairs, and beds. As a class, we will learn how to build instruments such as mallets, sawhorses, and vices and how they can aid in processing fuel and other materials. Other topics will include plant and tree identification, firecraft, cutting tool safety, food procurement and preservation, camp maintenance, simple pioneering as well as several different knots, notches and lashings on top of some handcrafted projects at the end of the course. Students will walk away with the knowledge of how to construct a basecamp to share in a community or as individuals in the wild.Course Project Examples: Creating grass mats with a woodland loom, vices, sawbuck, bucksaw, mallet, dakota fire, tripod smoker, ground refrigerator, brooms, rakes, chairs, spatula, spoon, benches, rope beds, ladders, wash area, utilizing wood ash for hygiene, making a torch from Pine Tar

Learn a Full House of Skills to Build Your Basecamp

Build a community setting in the wild and learn various bushcraft skills.

What will you discover?

Fire: Learn Percussion Fire and Various Fire Lays

Axecraft: Learn How to Safely Use Your Main Tool, Your Axe

Campcraft: Learn How to Make Chairs, Brooms, and Grass Mats

Plant ID: Learn How Plants and Trees Can Aid in Various Craft

Basecamp Essentials


Tickets for this course in Cripple Creek, Colorado must be purchased at TheSurvivalUniversity.com.

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Beginner/Moderate Level



  • Learn to create vital food procurement tools for trapping and hunting using natural materials found in the wilderness
  • Discover how to construct camp essentials such as chairs, brooms, and benches 
  • Go beyond emergency set-ups and learn how to create various tarp shelters for long-term use
  • Learn to carve and craft utensils, bowls, and cooking implements
  • Learn to craft strong, reliable cordage from plant fibers for use in traps, shelters, and other survival applications
  • Gain skills in ethnobotany studying how plants and trees can aid various utilitarian needs
  • Craft a camp clock while learning the importance of planning your activity around the sun
  • Understand how to repair and maintain your cutting tools to ensure their longevity and reliability in the wilderness.

Sleeping Arrangements:

Students are not required to stay on site, however, overnight camping is encouraged to deepen social bonds around the fire.


There are Port-A-Johns on this property.


Food is not provided so students are required to bring their own meals and snacks for consumption. 

There are scheduled breaks for meal times. Everyone usually gathers around the campfire during mealtimes, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere for fellowship. 

If you have a cooler, we recommend filling it with ice to store perishable items to keep everything fresh and ready to enjoy.

Students should still inform the instructor of any critical food allergies if any.


The property is rich in resources on top of a diverse range of edible and medicinal plants. 

Participants should be mindful of their physical limitations and potential for mechanical injury when navigating off the trails. 

Cell Coverage:

Cell service is reliable.

WiFi is available for emergency use.


We suggest bringing plenty of water for hydration, cooking, and hygiene. 

Potable water is available on site.


There is no external power source available for students. Participants should bring their own power stations or chargeable units for cell phones, head lamps, etc.


Please respect this land and “leave no trace.”


  • Carbon Steel Knife
  • Folding Saw or Bucksaw
  • Hatchet
  • Combination Tool like a Leatherman or SAK
  • Utility Cordage (#36 Bank like or 550 paracord)

Recommended Gear for this Course


  • Camp Chair for Comfort
  • Tent or Hammock with preferred sleep system
  • Headlamp with Spare Batteries
  • Proper Clothing for Season and Weather
  • Leather Gloves for Camp Chores
  • Combination Tool like a Leatherman or SAK for Camp Chores
  • Cookware and Stoves for the Meals and Snacks you provide
  • Water Container with Lid
  • Hydration/Electrolyte Packs
  • Hygiene Items
  • Any Prescribed Medications

The Survival University

71 Monarch Dr, Cripple Creek, CO 80813


  • Instructor is Wilderness First Responder certified and a licensed HAM Radio operator (KE8WHY)
  • Potable water is available on site and in the classroom
  • Be prepared for All Weather as this class is in an outdoor setting
  • No Meals are provided so students must bring their own food and snacks. A 90-minute lunch break is given should students wish to cook their meal or leave the property
  • Portable Restrooms are within 100 meters of the classroom
  • Students are not required to stay on site after class hours however it is encouraged to develop connections around a central fire
  • Students can tent camp or hammock camp, however, space is limited for hammocks
  • Firearms are not permitted in the classroom
  • Alcohol and drug use are not permitted during class hours
  • Students accept all liability for personal injury

The Survival University

71 Monarch Dr, Cripple Creek, CO 80813